Texas - a land known for its great Tex-Mex, heat, and Cowboys......now also for its ice storm. Who would of thought our migration to the great state of Texas would bring national weather news. On January 1st dad and I started 07' with great hope and prayer as we began the 25hr travel across half of the continental US. It was a new adventure to pull a 26' truck loaded with the car behind on a trailor. A highlight came when I pulled in a hotel that didn't have truck parking and then tried to turn around wedged between 2 other large vehicles. Thankfully, God provided a trucker that was more skilled than us to help maneuver us out. So, truckers out there....I salute you! I learned this is not a profession for me. How great though it was to travel through most of the southern states and it just being a quiet. Good opportunity for God to temper my heart.
WEEK 1 -
Jan. 2nd, 2007 - After 25hrs of total travel we arrived at our FIRST HOME. What an answer to prayer! I'll get nostalgic on God's working prior to this journey later. Sidenote - GO TROJANS! Yes, I was proud to hear of their dismantling of the over-rated Wolverines. If I was a betting man I'd be rich. Ok, back on track. In 5hrs dad and I had the truck unloaded and stored in the garage under a cloudy sky and sprinkle of rain. Thankfully, God held back the rain till we were done. Dad and I immediately began using our Bob Villa (or should I say Tim Taylor) skills to put the house together. How nice it was to have a set of keys to a home we own. The American dream was complete: 2 kids(boy & girl) and a beautiful home. All that is missing is a dog......Carla is thankfully missing that. Friday the 5th came and it was time to say goodbye to a friend, pastor, and dad. Thank you dad for your sacrifice, strength, and support. I am blessed to have the hertiage I have and look to continue it. By the end of that week I was fairly well unpacked, online, and ready to go.
WEEK 2 -
I started my venture of doing all the little things necessary to get a house up/running and transition my residency. I continued my pursuit of a job and acquainting myself to the area. Amazing how one can miss things like your favorite grocery market, favorite chinese restuarant and of course ice cream parlor. I quickly learned that there is a unique process to changing over registration to one's own vehicle. It is a sad fact that many people dread going to see the doctor, the dentist and the department of motor vehicles. For me it was a realization that I'm blind as a bat without my glasses. After enduring this process I came to the community registration center and dropped off what I needed to obtain a trash can. Prayer puzzle piece # 3: A job.....yes in this obedient step of faith we moved without having work secured. Amazing how this wasn't a fear at all for me. As I spoke with the community manager he noticed areas of interest/hobbies. He immediately advised me of a position they are creating in which they need someone to be their recreation facilities director. Someone to plan/organize community events and oversee the use of their ball fields and pool. Basically, a program director. Amazing how God will bring something in our path that goes beyond our thoughts. His "wind" scatters acorns in places that will bear real fruit. I had spent my time speaking with law firms, retail stores, and school districts to try and find something that would be flexible, provide decent income and health insurance. Tough but not impossible. I figured I would have to drive to Dallas (25-30mins away) for this as our community is a bit in the country east of Dallas. A request for a resume and a few more conversations and I appear to be a top candidate for the job. This would be a huge answer to prayer as it appears to pay well, provide health care and I'd work less than 5mins from home. So, please keep this in your prayers. I have also gotten wind of other possibilities from people I meet at school and the churches we've visited. God is good ALL the time! I am part of a volunteer team in the community and heading up the recreational program right now. It was also good to get to know several other people that have young families and learned of 2 Christian families as well. One couple has a young boy near Allison's age and they too moved with no job and came from the West Coast. The couple has similar interests and the mom is a stay at home mom and prior school teacher. What a blessing that is to meet a Christian couple in the same stage of life with similar interests.
After months of no rain and the worst drought this area has seen in 50 years the floodgates open on Jan. 12th. Yes this also happened to be when Carla and the kids arrived. Due to some bad weather and running out of gas they were diverted to an airport that wasn't even equipped to deice the plane for take off. What was worse was the airport was closed. After hours sitting on the plane the crew was able to get someone to open the airport up and then preceded to leave saying everyone was one their own. A flight that was supposed to arrive around 5:15pm Friday never arrived. I sat in the airport with anticipation for hours before hearing of the diversion. The storm got worse with each passing day and Carla and the crew were stuck in Wichita Falls which bore the brunt of the ice storm. I made the drive up the next day and what was a 2.5 hour drive turned into a 7 hour drive on ice. Highways were closing and due to some car trouble I was stranded for 2hours in the coldest weather they've had in a long time. God was faithful and got me to the hotel where they were staying and the best sight/memory was seeing my lil' girl run down the hallway with a smile saying, "Dada!" Enough to bring the stoutest of hearts crumble. Finally home.....it was neat to see their response when they saw and entered their new home for the first time. Allison immediately took to her new room with her favorite chair - BoBo (stuffed monkey chair) and explored to her hearts content. Carla was impressed with how much was done and the beauty of the home. It met her hopes/dreams.
WEEK #3 -
The storm continued through the weekend and next week. Several days were cancelled but not my class days. I began my classes with great anticipation. After years of wondering and months of prayer I was finally at the source of our move. Seminary training. What a joy it was to drive up on the bridge and see the whole city there before me and then pull into the school. My heart opened with joy and I had to praise Him for all He had done. I think of a Proverb which states a Hope Fullfilled brings joy to the bones." A sense of pride came as I entered Dr. Hendricks class for the first time and realized I am preparing to enter a season in which I get to learn how to be a better "fisher of men." Every part of the day was serile. Hearing the President of the school give chapel, hearing the profs teach, reading the material required in the library....it all was a refreshing moment. Hopefully, that won't wear off too soon. I am taking 3 courses on Tues/Thur which keep me plenty busy. I have gotten to hear some of the greatest modern-day servants of Christ speak this past week and it has been incredible. As the profs say, "I hope to fish in his/her pond a long time." This week I've enjoyed hearing the best exposition on the parable of the Good Samaritan, a powerful message on what to remember when doors close, and a great exposition on I Cor. 1. Can only imagine what the rest of my time will produce. Truly my heart's desire is to grow and learn from these men/women about the richness of God's Word and to cultivate a heart for "sheep." So let me stop now to say thank you all for your prayers, love, and support. God heard and provided. I also have to praise Him for His love and provision.
Regarding churches, I've attended 3 different ones and all have been very warm/welcoming. The thing I appreciate is the welcome by the Pastor as we've walked in the doors. Twice the first person we saw happened to be the Pastor. We were introduced to several other young couples who are here studying at Dallas. A couple have advised us of a family practice that provides free health care to Dallas student families. Our community also advised me of a clinic that is doing free immunizations during the time when Caleb will need it. I've also been advised of several other job possibilities through our connections at church. The Body of Christ transcends boundaries and culture.
***As you read about our time here you will clearly see the hand of God working. We are rediscovering and falling in love with our Savior more and more each day. He goes before us, stands with us, and builds ahead of us a work that is beyond description. Thank You God! God bless you all and know we value who you are in Christ and miss you all terribly. We look forward to the opportunity to having you in our home and know our prayers go out before you every week.